Catholic Social Teaching Articles

Since its founding in 1993 by Pope St. John Paul II, Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice has sought to promote the knowledge and practice of Catholic social teaching.
Here in the United States, the need for the glorious treasure that is the Church’s social teaching and the remedies contained therein is desperate. CAPP-USA seeks to make the Church’s abundant wisdom accessible by writing specifically about how these remedies apply to the issues and underlying pathologies threatening our country.
Beginning with the three principles (human dignity, solidarity, subsidiarity), and in pursuit of the common good, CAPP-USA tackles the structures of our society, the major themes of this rich social doctrine, and applies the insights of scholars, prelates, and lay faithful to the challenges of modern America.
Full List
Catholic Social Teaching: The Principles

What is Catholic Social Teaching?
The Origin and Rich History of Catholic Social Teaching by CAPP-USA
Pope St. John Paul the Great’s Centesimus Annus: A Groundbreaking Encyclical by CAPP-USA
Why Are There 3 Key Principles of Catholic Social Teaching? by CAPP-USA
Definitions of Catholic Social Teaching, Charity, and Social Justice by CAPP-USA
10 Questions About Catholic Social Teaching by CAPP-USA
Catholic Social Teaching vs. Secular Social Theory by CAPP-USA
What is the Church’s Role in Catholic Social Teaching? by CAPP-USA
The New Evangelization by CAPP-USA
Catholic Social Teaching is not Liberal or Conservative by CAPP-USA
What is Social Justice? by CAPP-USA
Charity vs. Justice? by CAPP-USA
The Role of Laity in Catholic Social Teaching – Part 1 by CAPP-USA
The Role of Laity in Catholic Social Teaching – Part 2 by CAPP-USA
The Role of Laity in Catholic Social Teaching – Part 3 by CAPP-USA
The Role of Laity in Catholic Social Teaching – Part 4 by CAPP-USA
The Role of Laity: St. John Paul II’s Final Message by CAPP-USA
Practicing Catholic Social Teaching is Personal and Spiritual by CAPP-USA
Caritas in Veritate Summary – Part 1 by CAPP-USA
Caritas in Veritate Summary – Part 2 by CAPP-USA
Caritas in Veritate Summary – Part 3 by CAPP-USA
Caritas in Veritate Summary – Part 4 by CAPP-USA
Caritas in Veritate Summary – Part 5 by CAPP-USA
Address to CAPP by His Eminence Pietro Cardinal Parolin
Cardinal Parolin Address Summary: Catholic Social Teaching and Youth by CAPP-USA
The Digital Space: Address to CAPP by His Eminence Pietro Cardinal Parolin
Are There 7 Themes of Catholic Social Teaching? by CAPP-USA
How to be a Real Social Justice Warrior? by CAPP-USA
Social Justice Issues and CST by CAPP-USA
What is Christian Humanism? by CAPP-USA
Top Pope St. John XXIII Quotes by CAPP-USA
The Role of Laity According to Vatican II Part 1 by CAPP-USA
The Role of Laity According to Vatican II Part 2 by CAPP-USA
Quotes about Justice by CAPP-USA
Quotes about Truth by CAPP-USA
Quotes about Freedom by CAPP-USA
Catholic Quotes about the Church’s Social Teaching? by CAPP-USA
Bible Quotes that Establish Catholic Social Teaching by CAPP-USA
Social Justice Quotes from Catholic Social Teaching by CAPP-USA
God Quotes from Catholic Social Teaching by CAPP-USA
The Principles of Catholic Social Teaching: Human Dignity
A Deeper Examination of Human Dignity by CAPP-USA
Will God Forgive an Abortion? by CAPP-USA
Pope Francis on Abortion by CAPP-USA
Secular and Scientific Reasons Why Abortion is Wrong by CAPP-USA
Abortion in the Bible by CAPP-USA
What is Christian Humanism? by CAPP-USA
Pornography is an Assault on Human Dignity by CAPP-USA
Universal Healthcare Pros and Cons by CAPP-USA
What is Reverse Racism? by CAPP-USA
Ten Quotes on Racism from the Church by CAPP-USA
Abortion Quotes from the Church by CAPP-USA
Human Rights Quotes from the Church by CAPP-USA
A List of Human Rights According to the Church by CAPP-USA
Bible Quotes that Establish Catholic Social Teaching by CAPP-USA
What is ‘Ethical’ Porn? by CAPP-USA
We are Made in the Image of God by CAPP-USA
Catholic Social Teaching and Euthanasia by CAPP-USA
Gun Control Pros and Cons and Self-Defense by CAPP-USA
Is Feminism Good or Bad? by CAPP-USA
The Principles of Catholic Social Teaching: Solidarity
The Principles of Catholic Social Teaching: Subsidiarity
The Principles of Catholic Social Teaching: The Relationship Between Solidarity & Subsidiarity
Major Themes of Catholic Social Teaching
Catholic Social Teaching and the Common Good
The Common Good is a Result, Not a Principle by CAPP-USA
The Political Divide in the USA by CAPP-USA
Pornography and the Common Good by CAPP-USA
Universal Healthcare Pros and Cons by CAPP-USA
Quotes about Justice by CAPP-USA
Pope Francis Quotes on War and Peace by CAPP-USA
10 Reasons the Cultural Landscape is in Crisis by CAPP-USA
Social Justice Quotes from Catholic Social Teaching by CAPP-USA
Catholic Social Teaching and the Preferential Option for the Poor
Catholic Social Teaching and the Right to Private Property
Catholic Social Teaching and the Universal Destination of Goods
Catholic Social Teaching and the Dignity of Work
The Church’s Teaching on the Dignity of Work by Mr. Michael S. Davison, III
A Summary: Pope Francis’ Address to CAPP
St. Joseph the Worker and the Dignity of Work by CAPP-USA
The Great Resignation and the Rights of Workers by CAPP-USA
Quotes about Hard Work by CAPP-USA

Catholic Social Teaching on the Structures of Society

Catholic Social Teaching and Economics & FInance
Practicing Catholic Social Teaching in Modern Economics by Domingo Sugranyes Bickel
Democracy and Free Market Economies by CAPP-USA
What is a “Just” Distribution of Wealth? by Dr. Brian Engelland, DBA
Is Your Company Paying “Just” Wages? by Dr. Brian Engelland, DBA
Good, Socially Responsible Business by Joseph F.X. Zahra
Pope Francis – An Economic Reformer and Provocateur by Joseph F.X. Zahra
Gratuitousness Should Distinguish our Economy by CAPP-USA
The Problems of Globalization that We Cannot Ignore by CAPP-USA
Pope Francis and a Global Economy by Nicholas D. Sawicki
Reflection on Pope Francis’ Call for Inclusion by His Excellency Bishop Frank J. Caggiano
The Role of Profit in Business by CAPP-USA
Catholic Social Teaching for a New Economy by His Eminence Silvano Cardinal Tomasi, C.S.
Cardinal Tomasi Address Summary: CST for a New Economy by CAPP-USA
Inflation and Catholic Social Teaching by CAPP-USA
What is Socialism? by CAPP-USA
Was Jesus a Socialist? by CAPP-USA
Was Jesus a Capitalist? by CAPP-USA
Capitalism vs. Socialism by CAPP-USA
What is Capitalism? by CAPP-USA
The Great Resignation and the Rights of Workers by CAPP-USA
Catholic Social Teaching and Government & Politics
Catholic Social Teaching and the “Welfare State” by CAPP-USA
Catholic Social Teaching Must Form Consciences by Dr. Karen Shields Wright
Democracy and Free Market Economies by CAPP-USA
Human Rights the State Must Protect by CAPP-USA
How the State Promotes a Free Economy by CAPP-USA
Peace and Development: An International Responsibility by CAPP-USA
Top 10 Pope Benedict XVI Quotes on Politics by CAPP-USA
Top 10 Pope St. John Paul II Quotes on Politics by CAPP-USA
The Political Divide in the USA by CAPP-USA
The Government’s Responsibility For a “Culture of Family” by CAPP-USA
Catholic Social Teaching and Culture
Catholic Social Teaching and the Culture Crisis by CAPP-USA
Integral Development: Considering the Whole Person by CAPP-USA
Catholic Social Teaching and a Focus on Youth by His Eminence Pietro Cardinal Parolin
Cardinal Parolin Address Summary: Catholic Social Teaching and a Focus on Youth by CAPP-USA
Is Family Life Today Under Attack? by CAPP-USA
Our Top Quotes About Family by CAPP-USA
The Government’s Responsibility For a “Culture of Family” by CAPP-USA
An Old Fashioned Christmas by CAPP-USA
What Can I Do about Homosexuality? by CAPP-USA
What Does the Bible Say About Divorce? by CAPP-USA
What is ‘Ethical’ Porn? by CAPP-USA
Quotes about Culture by CAPP-USA
10 Reasons the Cultural Landscape is in Crisis by CAPP-USA
What is a Wholesome Culture? by CAPP-USA
Cultural Appropriation and Catholic Social Teaching by CAPP-USA
The Dangers of a Consumer Culture by CAPP-USA
The Results of the Sexual Revolution by CAPP-USA
Is Feminism Good or Bad? by CAPP-USA
Catholic Social Teaching & Pathologies
Catholic Social Teaching and Consumerism
Catholic Social Teaching and Our Physical Environment
Catholic Social Teaching and Our Human Environment
Catholic Social Teaching and The Family
Is Family Life Today Under Attack? by CAPP-USA
Our Top Quotes About Family by CAPP-USA
The Government’s Responsibility For a “Culture of Family” by CAPP-USA
The Top Marriage Quotes from the Church by CAPP-USA
An Old Fashioned Christmas by CAPP-USA
What Does the Bible Say About Divorce? by CAPP-USA
What is a Wholesome Culture? by CAPP-USA
The Results of the Sexual Revolution by CAPP-USA
The Importance of Motherhood by CAPP-USA
Catholic Social Teaching and Integral Ecology
Catholic Social Teaching and Alienation
Catholic Social Teaching and Secularism

Catholic Social Teaching on Contemporary Issues

Catholic Social Teaching and Abortion
Catholic Social Teaching and Racism
Catholic Social Teaching and Homosexuality
Catholic Social Teaching and Transgenderism
Catholic Social Teaching and Socialism
Catholic Social Teaching: Antidote to Extremism by Deacon Mike Leman
Was Jesus a Socialist? by CAPP-USA
Was Jesus a Capitalist? by CAPP-USA
Socialist Countries and Welfare States by CAPP-USA
Consumerism and the Environment by CAPP-USA
What is Socialism? by CAPP-USA
Capitalism vs. Socialism by CAPP-USA
Catholic Social Teaching and Immigration
Catholic Social Teaching and Climate Change
Women Nurturing Sustainable Development by Anna Maria Tarantola
Catholic Social Teaching and Care for Nature by CAPP-USA
Top 10 Laudato Si’ Quotes on the Environment by CAPP-USA
Our Top Nature Quotes from the Church by CAPP-USA
Top Environment Quotes from the Church by CAPP-USA
Catholic Social Teaching and Healthcare
Catholic Social Teaching and Euthanasia
Catholic Social Teaching and Gun Control
Catholic Social Teaching and Inflation
Catholic Social Teaching and War
Catholic Social Teaching and Artificial Intelligence
Can Women Be Ordained Priests?
Pope Francis Reforms The Roman Curia
Rest in Peace Pope Benedict XVI
Pope St. John Paul II established CAPP —
“to promote and defend the knowledge and the practice of the Church’s social doctrine.”
Message to the Members of the “Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice” Foundation