Should Abortion Be Legal?

The State Does Not Have the Power

Should abortion be legal? No. While the law can make abortion legal – it can never make it right.

[N]o law whatsoever can ever make licit an act which is intrinsically illicit, since it is contrary to the Law of God which is written in every human heart, knowable by reason itself”. (Evangelium Vitae, 62)

Human lifedoes not belong to society, nor does it belong to public authority in any form to recognize this right for some and not for others”. (Declaration on Procured Abortion, 11)

“The inalienable right to life of every innocent human individual is a constitutive element of a civil society and its legislation…from the moment of conception”. (CCC, 2273)

“[W]e must accept that there are certain limits—limitswhich no one, whether as a private individual or as a public authority, can lawfully exceed.” (Humanae Vitae, 17)

Human law can abstain from punishment, but it cannot declare to be right what would be opposed to the natural law, for this opposition suffices to give the assurance that a law is not a law at all.” (Declaration on Procured Abortion, 21)


Abortion is legal in California, New York, and Ohio, while abortion bans or restrictions are in effect in Georgia, Texas, and Alabama. Catholic social teaching guides us to support abortion laws that defend the sanctity of human life.

A protestor holds up a sign saying that abortion should be legal.

“The law must provide appropriate penal sanctions for every deliberate violation of the child’s rights.”

CCC, 2273
A young woman sits and thinks about what she can do about abortion laws.

What Can I do About Abortion Laws?

“Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception”. (Gaudium et Spes, 51)

“We earnestly beg Our sons, immersed though they be in the business of this world, not to allow their consciences to sleep; not to lose sight of the true hierarchy of values.” (Mater et Magistra, 245)

“It becomes necessary, therefore, on the part of all, to recover an awareness of the primacy of moral values, which are the values of the human person as such.” (Familiaris Consortio, 8)

“[T]hey must also bring their professional activity into conformity with the Church’s social teaching. Their attitude must be one of loyal trust and filial obedience to ecclesiastical authority.” (Mater et Magistra, 241)

“Every sacrifice and every hardship will be compensated by the smile of the many children who, thanks to you, can enjoy the priceless gift of life. I warmly encourage you to make every effort so that everyone’s right to life will be recognized and an authentic democracy, inspired by the values of the civilization of love, will be built.” (Pope St. John Paul II, 5)

“Anyone who is Christian has a duty to bear witness to the Gospel: to protect life courageously and lovingly in all its phases.”

Pope Francis

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