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Pope Francis Quotes on War and Peace

“Peace is not a document which gets signed and then filed away. Peace is built day by day!”

Faith Formation in Catholic Social Teaching
Catholic Social Doctrine has its place where faith and politics meet. The Church’s aim is to not replace the State, but to simply help purify reason and to contribute, here and now, to the acknowledgment and attainment of what is just.
The Practical Value of Solidarity and Subsidiarity
Solidarity and Subsidiarity are both born in and expressions of human dignity and both are absolutely central to the implementation of Catholic social doctrine. You can’t have one without the other!
Is Your Company Paying "Just" Wages?
Are any of these wages just? In 2020 Tim Cook was paid approximately $238 million as Apple’s CEO, Alex Rodriguez was paid $32 million as the New York Yankee’s third baseman, Ann Snyder was paid $47,500 as a market researcher for a restaurant supply house, and Jason Alexander was paid $13,220 as a cashier at the Burger Palace restaurant.
Consumption and Family Life
Consumerism arises from a misunderstanding about the meaning of life and the real source of human happiness: It is an addiction to buying things, to spending money, as a solution to the lack of happiness and peace in one’s life, in one’s family.
A young woman counts money.
What is a "Just" Distribution of Wealth?
A spirited political debate is taking shape around the world. The issue is whether wealth redistribution or wealth creation should be the more important consideration driving national policies.
Economics should be built on free markets
Catholic Social Teaching, Democracy, and Free Markets
Catholic social teaching places economic freedom parallel to political freedom.
