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Culture Quotes from Catholic Social Teaching

“Man remains above all a being who seeks the truth and strives to live in that truth…From this…the culture of a nation derives its character.” (Pope St. John Paul II, 51)

The Role of the State and Economic Activity
Pope St. John Paul II identifies the role of the state as regards economic activity. Well, the State must guarantee individual freedom, guarantee private property rights, ensure a stable currency, ensure efficient services are provided...
Waving flags at the capitol representing government, politics, democracy, and state responsibilities.
Human Rights on Which the State Must be Ordered
The sole reason for the existence of governments is to promote the Common Good.
Factory workers represrnting dignified work, economics, and integral development.
What is Integral Development?
“Authentic human development concerns the whole of the person in every single dimension”. (Pope Benedict XVI)
What is Integral Ecology?
While there are individuals and organizations devoted to the care of our physical environment and others devoted to the more important human environment, the Church has made clear: “Our duties towards the environment are linked to our duties towards the human person”.
A cargo ship at port representing goods, economies, trade, and globalization.
The Problems of Globalization
Capitalism has proven to be the greatest poverty relief program the world has ever known, but Pope Francis echoes that there this is no reason for free market triumphalism as “It is a well-known fact that…millions of people are still suffering and dying of starvation” while our culture deadens us to the problem.
The stock market in New York representing capitlaism, consumerism, and economics.
Gratuitousness: Catholic Social Teaching’s Solution for Capitalism
“Concretely, in economic activity” this means that business women and men “engage in economic activity for the sake of the common good and they experience this commitment as something transcending their self-interest, for the benefit of present and future generations.”
