The Importance of Centesimus Annus

The Importance of Centesimus Annus

Join our Newsletter   What Makes St. John Paul the Great’s “Centesimus Annus” So Important?   by CAPP-USA Here are five reasons. FIRST: Centesimus Annus succeeds in drawing together the most creative and effective parts of Catholic Social Teaching over...

The Holy Father’s 1996 Address to CAPP

Address of the Holy Father Pope John Paul II to Members of the Vatican Foundation “Centesimus Annus – Pro Pontifice”   Saturday, November 23, 1996 Cardinal, Venerable Brothers in the Episcopate, Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! 1. I am happy to extend...

The Holy Father’s 1995 Address to CAPP

“Address of the Holy Father Pope John Paul II to the Members of the Foundation “Centesimus Annus – Pro Pontifice”   Saturday, November 25, 1995 Dear Cardinal, Dear Brothers in the Episcopate, Ladies and Gentlemen! 1. I am happy to extend my...