by capp | Aug 30, 2021 | All
Join our Newsletter The State’s Role Regarding Economic Activity by CAPP-USA To Encourage a Free Economy The State Must Promote a Free Economy Pope St. John Paul II identifies the role of the state as regards economic activity. What should,...
by capp | May 12, 2021 | All
Join our Newsletter A Crisis of Culture (The Most Important Structure of Society) by CAPP-USA A Crisis of Culture is happening as we speak. The Church has identified its roots. What is Culture? To understand the crisis of culture, we must...
by capp | Mar 17, 2021 | All
Join our Newsletter Faith Formation in Catholic Social Teaching by Dr. Karen Shields Wright Catholic Social Doctrine has its place where faith and politics meet. The Church’s aim is to not replace the State, but to simply help purify reason and to...
by capp | Mar 15, 2021 | All
Join our Newsletter Toward Achieving a “Just” Distribution of Wealth by Dr. Brian Engelland, DBA Human labor tends to be undervalued for what it can produce, and negotiations between employer and employee tend to be uneven. Accordingly, the Church expects...
by capp | Mar 15, 2021 | All
Join our Newsletter What Does Catholic Social Teaching Say About the “Welfare State” by CAPP-USA What is the “Welfare State”? “The State which would provide everything (a welfare state), absorbing everything into itself, would ultimately become a mere...