by capp | Oct 25, 2023 | All, Preferential Option for the Poor
Join our Newsletter What is Poverty? by CAPP-USA What is poverty? What are the types of poverty? The Definition of Poverty The Holy Fathers do much to ensure our understanding of “who is poor” and “what is poverty” avoid a...
by capp | Oct 19, 2021 | All
Join our Newsletter Pope Francis, Virgil, and the Global Economy by Nicholas D. Sawicki Photo by Toby Madden (Courtesy of Mark Carney) Sic vos non vobis. This famous rebuke by the poet Virgil to the plagiarizer Bathyllus, “For you, but not yours,”...
by capp | Mar 23, 2021 | All
Join our Newsletter Good, Socially Responsible Business by Joseph F.X. Zahra There is a common line based on ethical decisions that integrates enterprise, economy and wealth with justice and peace in society. It is frustrating that we need to qualify a certain...
by capp | Mar 15, 2021 | All
Join our Newsletter Is Your Company Paying A “Just” Wage? by Dr. Brian Engelland, DBA Over 120 years ago, Pope Leo XIII introduced the idea of a “just” wage in his encyclical, Rerum Novarum. He defined the just wage as an amount needed...