Join our Newsletter Pope Francis on the Environment by CAPP-USA Pope Francis on the environment. Pope Francis Quotes on the Environment Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has made the environment, natural and human, a hallmark of his papacy. “Nature,...
Join our Newsletter The Top Quotes on Nature by the Church by CAPP-USA Our favorite nature quotes from the Catholic Church. Our Favorite Nature Quotes Pope Francis has made the environment, natural and human, a hallmark of his papacy. And he is...
Join our Newsletter Consumerism and the Environment by CAPP-USA For decades, the Church has pointed out the link between consumerism and harm to the environment. What is the environmental impact of consumerism? Consumerism and the environment are linked...
Join our Newsletter Catholic Social Teaching and Care for Nature by CAPP-USA Catholic Social Teaching and the Environment (It is more than you think!) Care for nature is a hot topic and concerns us all. “It is possible that we do not grasp the gravity of...
Join our Newsletter What is Integral Development? by CAPP-USA Integral Development Means the Whole Person What do We Mean by Integral “Development”? “Authentic human development concerns the whole of the person in every single...