The purposes of your praiseworthy fellowship are inspired by the Encyclical Letter Centesimus Annus, which I published to remember what my venerable Predecessor, Pope Leo XIII, had written a century earlier in Rerum novarum, a document that has borne so many fruits in the Church and in the world.
Papal Addresses Articles
The Holy Father’s 1995 Address to CAPP
This year you have chosen the doctrine of the Encyclical Evangelium Vitae in relation to the social and pastoral orientations of the Centesimus Annus as the theme to which to reflect. In reality, God’s love for man, from which the dignity of the person and respect for the life of every human being flows, is an integral part of the Gospel
The Holy Father’s 1994 Address to CAPP
In this action in the service of peace, I know that I am fulfilling the will of God, who is Love; and in every moment I feel supported and, so to speak, as if driven by the deep desire and ardent prayer of the whole Church. For this I now say to you my heartfelt thanks for your adhesion.

Papal Addresses
I thank all of you for the work you do. I consider your contribution with regard to the social doctrine of the Church to be very important.
Papal Addresses
The purposes of your praiseworthy fellowship are inspired by the Encyclical Letter Centesimus Annus, which I published to remember what my venerable Predecessor, Pope Leo XIII, had written a century earlier in Rerum novarum, a document that has borne so many fruits in the Church and in the world.
Papal Addresses
This year you have chosen the doctrine of the Encyclical Evangelium Vitae in relation to the social and pastoral orientations of the Centesimus Annus as the theme to which to reflect. In reality, God’s love for man, from which the dignity of the person and respect for the life of every human being flows, is an integral part of the Gospel
Papal Addresses
In this action in the service of peace, I know that I am fulfilling the will of God, who is Love; and in every moment I feel supported and, so to speak, as if driven by the deep desire and ardent prayer of the whole Church. For this I now say to you my heartfelt thanks for your adhesion.
Papal Addresses
The “Centesimus Annus – Pro Pontifice” Foundation is an expression of this lay vocation, and is a new way that you open yourself to provide, together with your Pastors, moral support and material forces for the Church’s interventions in the most urgent needs.