Here are bible verses about homosexuality that are foundational to the Catholic Church’s position on this issue.
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Health, is “a universal right which means that access to healthcare services cannot be a privilege.” – Pope Francis
What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality
There is “a clear consistency within the Scriptures themselves on the moral issue of homosexual behavior.”
Youth are subjected to having to make continuous decisions that affect their lives (majors, professions, emotional relationships, politics, integration into civil society, purchase decisions, drugs, sex, etc., etc.)
One of the primary tasks of the Social Doctrine of the Church is intervening in the debate, primarily cultural, to show the irreducible falsehood of these myths
There is a widespread understanding among business leaders and economic think-tanks that business will need to be radically different.
Issues of life had been somewhat quarantined from Catholic social teaching and were considered a separate branch of moral theology. The implications for their integration into CST in Centesimus Annus were potentially huge but were not entirely sorted.
While Pope Benedict XVI identifies in Caritas in Veritate that implementing Catholic social teaching is a way for the lay faithful to "give flesh to their faith" he makes an even stronger case: implementing CST is a binding ‘requirement’ of lay spirituality – of living out our lives in the world.