by capp | Jun 26, 2023 | All, Culture, Right to Private Property
Join our Newsletter Decriminalizing Shoplifting: Is That a Good Thing? by CAPP-USA The Rise in Shoplifting No. For example, in 2014 California changed a longstanding law classifying shoplifting as a felony to a misdemeanor for goods valued under $950....
by capp | Jun 26, 2023 | Abortion, All, Human Dignity
Join our Newsletter What Does the Bible Say About Abortion? The Bible is NOT Silent on Abortion! by CAPP-USA Abortion in the Bible You may have encountered an objection that abortion is not mentioned in the Bible. Let us unambiguously affirm: the...
by capp | Jun 23, 2023 | All, Human Dignity, LGBT
Join our Newsletter Pope Francis and LGBT and Gender Ideology What has Pope Francis Actually Taught? by CAPP-USA The Pope as Pastor and the “T” in LGBT People often put words in Pope Francis’ mouth regarding LGBT issues but what does...
by capp | Jun 20, 2023 | All
Join our Newsletter Why Do I Feel So Alone? by CAPP-USA Why do I feel so alone? Few could say they have never felt alone but loneliness seems to be on the rise. We are speaking here of true loneliness – of alienation. So, what is true...
by capp | Jun 13, 2023 | All
Join our Newsletter Gender Dysphoria: A Catholic Response How Do We Witness to the Gospel? by CAPP-USA What is Gender Dysphoria? The updated (2022) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) identifies that gender dysphoria is...