Pope Francis on the Environment
Pope Francis on the environment.
Pope Francis Quotes on the Environment
Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has made the environment, natural and human, a hallmark of his papacy.
- “Nature, in a word, is at our disposition and we are called to exercise a responsible stewardship over it.” (World Day of Peace Message, 9)
- “Creation is made to connect us with God and to each other; it is God’s social network.” (Pope Francis)
- “The climate is a common good, belonging to all and meant for all.” (Pope Francis, 23)
- “Too many of us act like tyrants with regard to creation.” (Pope Francis)
- The earth “cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods with which God has endowed her”. (Pope Francis, 2)
- “Tragically, the human response to this gift has been marked by sin, selfishness and a greedy desire to possess and exploit. Egoism and self-interest have turned creation…into an arena of competition and conflict.” (World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation)
- “The harmony between the Creator, humanity and creation as a whole was disrupted by our presuming to take the place of God and refusing to acknowledge our creaturely limitations.” (Pope Francis, 66)
- “That is how we end up worshipping earthly powers, or ourselves usurping the place of God, even to the point of claiming an unlimited right to trample his creation underfoot.” (Pope Francis, 75)
- “The best way to restore men and women to their rightful place…is to speak once more of the figure of a Father who creates and who alone owns the world.” (Pope Francis, 75)
- “There can be no renewal of our relationship with nature without a renewal of humanity itself.” (Pope Francis, 118)
“Creation is made to connect us with God and to each other; it is God’s social network.” (Pope Francis)
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