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What is Culture?

“[P]olitics and economy cannot be reduced to mere technical know-how bereft of ideals and unconcerned with the transcendent dimension of man…” (Pope Francis, 10)

Pope Benedict XVI was the second of the three modern popes to shape catholic social teaching.
A Summary of Caritas in Veritate Part 3
Pope Benedict XVI identifies that the Church "above all…works…to protect mankind from self-destruction."
Pope Benedict XVI was the second of the three modern popes to shape catholic social teaching.
A Summary of Caritas in Veritate Part 2
Continuing our summary of Caritas in Veritate, Pope Benedict XVI teaches us that without God “development is either denied or entrusted exclusively to man…and ends up promoting a dehumanized form of development.” (CIV, 11)
Pope Benedict XVI was the second of the three modern popes to shape catholic social teaching.
A Summary of Caritas in Veritate Part 1
A summary of Caritas in Veritate (CIV) begins with understanding its importance and requires recognizing its complexity and ambition and also its simplicity.
John Paul II was the first of the three modern popes to shape catholic social teaching.
4 Key Learnings from Pope St. John Paul II
Just four months before his death – in his final meeting with CAPP – Pope St. John Paul II, in a sort of Last Will & Testament to the organization he founded, told us 4 things.
A man gives to a poor homeless person begging on the street.
Charity vs. Justice
The controversy over the primacy of ‘charity or justice’ is reminiscent of earlier controversies about ‘faith or works’ answered by St. James 2,000 years ago: “‘You have faith and I have works.’ Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” (James 2:18)
Deacon Mike Leman of the Diocese of Cheyenne, Wisconsin
Catholic Social Teaching: Antidote to Extremism
A friend said, “Catholic Social Teaching is just the Church’s way of pushing socialism on us.” I hear this often.
