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Bible Quotes that Establish Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic social teaching is not a modern invention. It is rooted in Scripture, and these scripture quotes illustrate where the principles come from.

Anna Maria is president of the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation and a thought leader in economics and the role of women entrepreneurship.
Women Nurturing Sustainable Development
I would like to thank the President of AIDDA, Laura Frati Gucci, for inviting me to the 58th FCEM World Congress in this conference entitled “How Women Face the New Economy and Ecology”
Cardinal Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, attends one of the CAPP events.
Cardinal Parolin's Address to CAPP, December 2021
Youth are subjected to having to make continuous decisions that affect their lives (majors, professions, emotional relationships, politics, integration into civil society, purchase decisions, drugs, sex, etc., etc.)
Cardinal Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, attends one of the CAPP events.
A Compass for Young Generations
One of the primary tasks of the Social Doctrine of the Church is intervening in the debate, primarily cultural, to show the irreducible falsehood of these myths
A New Methodology for a New Economy
There is a widespread understanding among business leaders and economic think-tanks that business will need to be radically different.
Cardinal Tomasi's Address to CAPP, December 2021
Vatican II approach: “To see (to study the facts); To judge (to apply moral, theological, and spiritual perspective); And to act (to take those tangible steps to resolve the issue at hand).”
Pope Benedict XVI was the second of the three modern popes to shape catholic social teaching.
A Summary of Caritas in Veritate Part 5
Issues of life had been somewhat quarantined from Catholic social teaching and were considered a separate branch of moral theology. The implications for their integration into CST in Centesimus Annus were potentially huge but were not entirely sorted.
