“Pornography is immoral and ultimately anti–social precisely because it is opposed to the truth about the human person”. – Pope St. John Paul II
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Pornography, Addiction, and the Common Good
Perhaps the most potentially debilitating addiction is to pornography because it “represents a serious threat to society as a whole.” (Pope St. John Paul II, 2)
What is Christian Humanism?
Christian humanism is acknowledging our God-given dignity and our purpose to serve Him through our fellow man.
Pope Benedict XVI identifies that the Church "above all…works…to protect mankind from self-destruction."
Just four months before his death – in his final meeting with CAPP – Pope St. John Paul II, in a sort of Last Will & Testament to the organization he founded, told us 4 things.
The controversy over the primacy of ‘charity or justice’ is reminiscent of earlier controversies about ‘faith or works’ answered by St. James 2,000 years ago: “‘You have faith and I have works.’ Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” (James 2:18)
A friend said, “Catholic Social Teaching is just the Church’s way of pushing socialism on us.” I hear this often.