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What is ‘Ethical’ Porn?

“By its very nature, pornography denies the genuine meaning of human sexuality”. (Pope St. John Paul II, 2)

Catholic Social Teaching and Care for Nature
Our 'common home' is more than just the natural environment - nor is it the environment in the most danger.
Tania Tetlow, President of Fordham University, addressed CAPP members and guests at the Pro-Pontifice Dinner
President Tetlow's Address to CAPP
This is a wonderful community we bring together tonight. CAPP – US, our beloved Jesuits, members of the Fordham faculty and trustees, alumni and friends. I want to explain why it is so fitting that we come together.
Cardinal Parolin visits New York for the Pro Pontifice Dinner hosted by CAPP-USA and sponsored by Fordham
Cardinal Parolin's Address to CAPP, September 2022
I am delighted to be with you this evening at this dinner offered by the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation and made possible by the generosity of Fordham University.
The Dignity of Work by Mr. Michael S. Davison, III
Pope Leo XIII’s landmark encyclical Rerum Novarum was published during the tempestuous years of the Industrial Revolution, and as such was The Church’s first social commentary – and our first resource in Catholic Social Teaching – considering the rights of the worker.
Pope Francis Reforms the Roman Curia
These are the primary ideas that connect the new Apostolic Constitution governing the Roman Curia with the Second Vatican Council.
Anna Maria is president of the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation and a thought leader in economics and the role of women entrepreneurship.
Women Nurturing Sustainable Development
I would like to thank the President of AIDDA, Laura Frati Gucci, for inviting me to the 58th FCEM World Congress in this conference entitled “How Women Face the New Economy and Ecology”
