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Evangelii Gaudium

…[102-109] CHAPTER THREE THE PROCLAMATION OF THE GOSPEL [110] I. The entire people of God proclaims the Gospel [111-134] A people for everyone [112-114] A people of many faces [115-118]…

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Amoris Laetitia

…Transformation of Love [163-164] CHAPTER FIVE LOVE MADE FRUITFUL [165] Welcoming New Life [166-167] Love and pregnancy [168-169] The love of a mother and a father [172-177] An Expanding Fruitfulness…

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Veritatis Splendor

…vis” (grant what you command and command what you will).31 The gift does not lessen but reinforces the moral demands of love: “This is his commandment, that we should believe…

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Evangelium Vitae

…love your neighbour as yourself” (Lev 19:18). 41. The commandment “You shall not kill”, included and more fully expressed in the positive command of love for one’s neighbour, is reaffirmed…

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Familiaris Consortio

…Mc 16: 15. [130] Lumen gentium, 11. [131] Act 1: 8. [132] Cf. 1 Pe 3: 1 s. [133] Second Vatican Council Lumen gentium, 35; Apostolicam actuositatem, 11. [134] Cf….

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Fratelli Tutti

…(2016), 124. [114] Ibid., 122. [115] Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Christus Vivit (25 March 2019), 93. [116] Ibid., 94. [117] Address to Authorities, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (6 June 2015): L’Osservatore…

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Laudato Si

…23/1 (2000), 123. [58] ID., Catechesis (2 August 2000), 3: Insegnamenti 23/2 (2000), 112. [59] PAUL RICOEUR, Philosophie de la Volonté, t. II: Finitude et Culpabilité, Paris, 2009, 216. [60]…

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Caritas in Veritate

…cit., 548-550. [73] Paul VI, Encyclical Letter Populorum Progressio, 19: loc. cit., 266-267. [74] Ibid., 39: loc. cit., 276-277. [75] Ibid., 75: loc. cit., 293-294. [76] Cf. Benedict XVI, Encyclical…

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Bishop Synod Report on the Family

…Church but also the entire international community. Every effort should be made to encourage, even in a practical way, families and Christian communities to remain in their native lands. Benedict…

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Pacem in Terris

…forms, laws, and all the other components which go to make up the external community of men and its continual development. God and the Moral Order 37. Now the order…

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Evangelii Gaudium

…[102-109] CHAPTER THREE THE PROCLAMATION OF THE GOSPEL [110] I. The entire people of God proclaims the Gospel [111-134] A people for everyone [112-114] A people of many faces [115-118]…

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Amoris Laetitia

…Transformation of Love [163-164] CHAPTER FIVE LOVE MADE FRUITFUL [165] Welcoming New Life [166-167] Love and pregnancy [168-169] The love of a mother and a father [172-177] An Expanding Fruitfulness…

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Veritatis Splendor

…vis” (grant what you command and command what you will).31 The gift does not lessen but reinforces the moral demands of love: “This is his commandment, that we should believe…

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Evangelium Vitae

…love your neighbour as yourself” (Lev 19:18). 41. The commandment “You shall not kill”, included and more fully expressed in the positive command of love for one’s neighbour, is reaffirmed…

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Familiaris Consortio

…Mc 16: 15. [130] Lumen gentium, 11. [131] Act 1: 8. [132] Cf. 1 Pe 3: 1 s. [133] Second Vatican Council Lumen gentium, 35; Apostolicam actuositatem, 11. [134] Cf….

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Fratelli Tutti

…(2016), 124. [114] Ibid., 122. [115] Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Christus Vivit (25 March 2019), 93. [116] Ibid., 94. [117] Address to Authorities, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (6 June 2015): L’Osservatore…

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Laudato Si

…23/1 (2000), 123. [58] ID., Catechesis (2 August 2000), 3: Insegnamenti 23/2 (2000), 112. [59] PAUL RICOEUR, Philosophie de la Volonté, t. II: Finitude et Culpabilité, Paris, 2009, 216. [60]…

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Caritas in Veritate

…cit., 548-550. [73] Paul VI, Encyclical Letter Populorum Progressio, 19: loc. cit., 266-267. [74] Ibid., 39: loc. cit., 276-277. [75] Ibid., 75: loc. cit., 293-294. [76] Cf. Benedict XVI, Encyclical…

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Bishop Synod Report on the Family

…Church but also the entire international community. Every effort should be made to encourage, even in a practical way, families and Christian communities to remain in their native lands. Benedict…

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Pacem in Terris

…forms, laws, and all the other components which go to make up the external community of men and its continual development. God and the Moral Order 37. Now the order…

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