Ten Freedom Quotes
Freedom quotes from the Church to help us understand and seek true freedom.
Quotes about Freedom from the Catholic Church
The Catholic Church teaches that true freedom is centered on choosing good so often that it becomes a habit and way of life.
She views freedom as a precious and integral aspect of human life that should be exercised in alignment with moral truth and the common good.
Here are ten quotes by about the indispensability of true freedom in our lives.
- “Freedom is the fountainhead from which liberty…flows”. (Pope Leo XIII, 3)
- “When human beings set themselves against God, they…do not become free, but alienated from themselves.” (Pope Benedict XVI)
- “There is no true freedom except in the service of what is good and just. The choice to disobey and do evil is an abuse of freedom and leads to ‘the slavery of sin’.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1733)
- “If it is not exercised well…freedom can lead us far away from God, it can cause us to lose the dignity that he has bestowed on us.” (Pope Francis)
- “[A] corruption of the idea and the experience of freedom, conceived…as an autonomous power of self-affirmation, often against others, for one’s own selfish well-being.” (Pope St. John Paul II, 6)
- We need “light and strength to direct [our] actions to good and to restrain them from evil. Without this, the freedom of our will would be our ruin”. (Pope Leo XIII, 7)
- “In the name of freedom, there has to be a correlation between rights and duties, by which every person is called to assume responsibility for his or her choices”. (Pope Benedict XVI)
- “Excessive intervention by the state can threaten personal freedom and initiative”. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1883)
- “Undoubtedly the principle of subsidiarity [is] an expression of inalienable human freedom.” (Pope Benedict XVI, 57)
- “The exercise of freedom finds its guarantee and incentive in the right of ownership.” (Pope St. John XXIII, 109)