Top Pope St. John XXIII Quotes
Top Pope St. John XXIII Quotes
Top 10 Pope St. John XXIII Quotes
From the Common Good to the Truth about man, the moral order and the poor, Pope St. John XXIII spoke on every issue facing the Church in the middle of the 20th century.
With a warm smile, he guided the Barque of Peter, especially through his great social encyclical, Mater et Magistra.
- “[T]he moral order has no existence except in God; cut off from God it must necessarily disintegrate.” (208)
- “The most fundamental modern error is that of imagining that man’s natural sense of religion is nothing more than the outcome of feeling or fantasy.” (214)
- “The most perniciously typical aspect of the modern era consists in the absurd attempt to reconstruct a solid and fruitful temporal order divorced from God, who is, in fact, the only foundation on which it can endure.” (217)
- “Separated from God a man is but a monster, in himself and toward others; for the right ordering of human society presupposes the right ordering of man’s conscience with God”. (215)
- “[I]n his striving to master and transform the world around him he is in danger of forgetting and of destroying himself.” (242)
- “First consideration must obviously be given to those values which concern man’s dignity generally, and the immense worth of each individual human life.” (192)
- “We are all equally responsible…it is necessary to educate one’s conscience to the sense of responsibility which weighs upon each and every one”. (158)
- “Experience has shown that where personal initiative is lacking, political tyranny ensues.” (57)
- “Considerations of justice and equity can at times demand that those in power pay more attention to the weaker members of society, since these are at a disadvantage when it comes to defending their own rights and asserting their legitimate interests.” (56)
- “The family is based upon a marriage which is one and indissoluble and, with respect to Christians, raised to the dignity of a sacrament”. (193)