Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice & The Catholic University of America

The 2024 Certificate Program in Catholic Social Teaching
Details of Registration
This week-long, graduate level investigation of the Church’s deep patrimony of social teaching is open to diocesan administrators/department directors, and their staff, in Religious Education, Catholic Charities, Catholic Conference, Social Justice, and other ministries. It is also open to clergy, religious, seminarians and lay leaders in philanthropy, business, the professions, and academia who wish to have an in-depth understanding of the Church’s social teachings from noted scholars, theologians, and professionals.
The certificate program promotes understanding and application of CST as developed and advanced by the magisterium for over 125 years, starting with Rerum Novarum and emphasizing the Church’s current statement in Centesimus Annus, Deus Caritas Est, Caritas in Veritate, Evangelii Gaudium and Laudato Si.
Lecture Topics
The extensive program topics include:
- Introduction to Catholic Social Teaching (CST)
- The Three Cornerstone Principles of CST- Human Dignity, Solidarity, Subsidiarity
- History of CST
- CST & Culture
- CST & the Developing World
- CST & Free Market Economy
- CST & Democracy, and the Role of the State
- CST & the Family
- Consumerism & Alienation, the Developed World’s Main Dysfunctions
In addition, facilitated evening discussions on the Three Cornerstones of CST, Entrepreneurship, and Religious Freedom will be explored.
Participants are welcomed to experience a retreat environment having housing at the Washington Retreat House including daily Liturgy of the Hours and Mass. If the schedule allows, there may be some time to explore the area shrines.
The Early Bird Registration rate of $1900 (a savings of $125) has been extended through the Final Deadline – October 7th
(please send deposit of $300.00 with registration to reserve a place; balance due by October 7th)
The program fee includes tuition, lectures, housing, meals from Sunday evening to Friday lunch and workbooks. Transportation costs and arrangements are the responsibility of the participants. – WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO COMPENSATE YOU FOR ANY TRAVEL CANCELLATION COSTS.
Housing: Washington Retreat House
4000 Harewood Road NE Washington, DC 20017 Phone: (202) 529-1111
Arrival: October 20
Please arrive at the retreat house by 3:00 PM to register for housing, and settle-in.
Program begins with Mass, Dinner and Introduction/Welcome – 4:00 PM.
Departure: October 25
Program ends with a Mass & Lunch on Friday afternoon (October 25).
Recommended Advance Reading:
Become familiar with Pope St. John Paul II’s Centesimus Annus, Pope Benedict XVI’s Deus Caritas Est, and Caritas in Veritate and Pope Francis’ Evangelii Gaudium and Laudato Si’.
What to Wear:
Program – Business Casual Dinner Sunday and Graduation Lunch Friday – jacket for men, and a nice outfit for women.
Please mail check (made out to CAPP-USA) and copy of your registration form to:
Mrs. Patricia Fakharzadeh, 829 Ellis Place, Oradell, NJ 07649.
For more information call (201) 599-2123 or email: [email protected]
Please also include an endorsement letter from your Bishop.