Top 10 Laudato Si’ Quotes on the Environment
Top 10 Laudato Si’ Quotes
Laudato Si’ Quotes On The Environment
Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’, the Church’s second longest encyclical, is packed with wisdom. Here are ten of our favorite quotes:
- “A spirituality which forgets God as all-powerful and Creator is not acceptable.” (Laudato Si’, 76)
- “We are faced…with one complex crisis which is both social and environmental.” (Laudato Si’, 139)
- “Unless we struggle with these deeper issues, I do not believe that our concern for ecology will produce significant results.” (Laudato Si’, 160)
- “There can be no ecology without an adequate anthropology.” (Laudato Si’, 118)
- “[E]nvironmental problems cannot be separated from… how individuals relate to themselves.” (Laudato Si’, 141)
- “Acceptance of our bodies as God’s gift is vital for welcoming and accepting the entire world as a gift from the Father…thinking that we enjoy absolute power over our own bodies turns, often subtly, into thinking that we enjoy absolute power over creation“. (Laudato Si’, 155)
- “The harmony between the Creator, humanity and creation as a whole was disrupted by our presuming to take the place of God and refusing to acknowledge our creaturely limitations.” (Laudato Si’, 66)
- “The issue is one which dramatically affects us, for it has to do with the ultimate meaning of our earthly sojourn.” (Laudato Si’, 160)
- “The best way to restore men and women to their rightful place…is to speak once more of the figure of a Father who creates and who alone owns the world.” (Laudato Si’, 75)
- “We require a new and universal solidarity.” (Laudato Si’, 14)