Gender Equality and the Church
What is Gender Equality?
Gender equality is synonymous with the inherent equality of the sexes.
It should not be confused with gender as being on a ‘spectrum’.
This ‘gender spectrum’ thinking is what Pope Francis refers to as “Gender ideology…one of the most dangerous ideological colonization’s. It goes beyond the sexual” and “dilutes differences, and the richness of men and women”. (Pope Francis)
Gender equality must not mean ‘sameness’, only apply to male and female, and be rooted in the dignity given by God.
“[W]e must always remember that the path of civilization proceeds towards the recognition of the equality of men [and women], since…they possess the same fundamental dignity, and its consequent rights.” (Pope St. Paul VI)
The Truth About Gender
There are two sexes, and sacred scripture reveals the beauty and equality of man and woman.
Sex and gender are complementary and aligned by God’s design (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2333) not by self-determination.
Equality is not “achieved by an abstract proclamation that ‘all men and women are equal’. Instead, it is the result of the conscious and careful cultivation of fraternity.” (Pope Francis, 104)
“Equality of dignity does not mean ‘sameness with men'” (Pope John Paul II)
Gender Equality and Women
Equality of the two sexes is what the Church has taught from the beginning. “The first creation account shows the essential equality of men and women (cf. Gen 1:27-29).” (Pope Benedict XVI, 60)
This is the equality of the two sexes, male and female, created by God, in His image, each contributing a unique “genius” to the service of God and others. (Pope Benedict XVI) (Pope St. John Paul II, 9)
“There is no sphere of human activity which cannot be irradiated by woman’s beneficent power.” (Pope St. Paul VI)
“In Mulieris Dignitatem, John Paul II [deepened] the fundamental anthropological truths of man and woman, the equality of their dignity and the unity of both, the well-rooted and profound diversity between the masculine and the feminine and their vocation to reciprocity and complementarity, to collaboration and to communion.” (Pope Benedict XVI)
“I want to assure all women that the Catholic Church, in fidelity to God’s plan, works to advance women’s personal dignity and equality with men in response to the wide variety of forms of discrimination which they experience simply because they are women.” (Pope Benedict XVI, 60)
Men and Women are Not the Same
Men and women are equal in dignity! “Christianity…recognizes and proclaims that men and women share equal dignity and responsibility.” (Pope Benedict XVI)
However, “equality of dignity does not mean ‘sameness with men‘”. (Pope St. John Paul II, 3)
By trying to make men and women the same culture “impoverishes women… by deforming or losing the unique richness and the inherent value of femininity.” (Pope St. John Paul II, 3)
“[E]rasing difference is erasing humanity. Man and woman…are in a fruitful ‘tension’”. (Pope Francis)
What Must I Do to Advance Dignity and Equality?
The Church views gender equality in terms of eradicating abuses to human dignity, particularly abuses to women.
“[E]quality between men and women is still not universally found, and there are…instances, where women are second-class citizens or less. We have to keep fighting”. (Pope Francis)
“There will never be justice, including equality, development and peace, for women or for men, unless there is an unfailing determination to respect, protect, love and serve life – every human life, at every stage and in every situation.” (Pope St. John Paul II, 8)