CAPP-USA is committed to hosting events with a wide-array of speakers on a variety of topics-each emphasizing the critical role of Catholic social teaching in addressing the issues we face today. Nobel laureates, Cardinals of the Catholic Church, public officials, academics, and prominent men and women of letters all participate in CAPP-USA’s events, providing our members with the best examples of the impact Catholic social teaching in our society.
Featured Event

Certificate Program in Catholic Social Teaching
This week-long, graduate level investigation of the Church’s deep patrimony of social teaching is open to diocesan administrators/department directors, and their staff, in Religious Education, Catholic Charities, Catholic Conference, Social Justice, and other ministries. It is also open to clergy, religious, seminarians and lay leaders in philanthropy, business, the professions, and academia who wish to have an in-depth understanding of the Church’s social teachings from noted scholars, theologians, and professionals.
The certificate program promotes understanding and application of CST as developed and advanced by the magisterium for over 125 years.
When: TBD 2025
Where: Washington Retreat House, Washington D.C.
Upcoming Events

International Conference
Details to follow.
When: May 15-17, 2025
Where: The Vatican

Pro Pontifice Dinner
Details to follow.
When: TBD 2025
Where: TBD

Certificate Program in Catholic Social Teaching
A week-long, graduate level investigation of the Church’s deep patrimony of social teaching.
When: TBD 2025
Where: Catholic University of America, Washington D.C.
Past Events

International Conferences
2024 International Conference
Generative Artificial Intelligence and Technocratic Paradigm: how to promote the wellbeing of humanity, care for nature and a world of peace
The 2024 International Conference took as its focus the explosion of artificial intelligence technologies and their already profound impact on the world.
- Generative Artificial Intelligence and Technocratic paradigm: how to promote the wellbeing of humanity, care for nature and a world of peace
- The recent evolution of GenAI: benefits, risks, problems
- The impact of GenAI on economy, environment, society and peace: CST as a compass for our digitalized world
- Can innovation activities be limited? The links between technology and human development and the meaning of progress
When: June 21-22, 2024
Where: Rome and the Vatican
Address of H.E. Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State
2023 International Conference
The 30th Anniversary of the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation
Memory to Build the Future: “Thinking and Acting in Terms of Community”
The 2023 International Conference looked both to past accomplishments and future goals. Sessions covered:
- A guide for future action: the evolution of the Social Teaching of the Church in the Holy Fathers’ addresses to CAPPF over the years
- How Centesimus Annus interpreted and accomplished its mission
- The Foundation’s future action in the territories: how the chapters interpret their role in the various territories for the future
- The future of Centesimus Annus: (Fratelli Tutti in Action)
When: June 5-6, 2023
Where: Rome and the Vatican
2022 International Conference
Inclusive Growth to Eradicate Poverty and Promote Sustainable Development and Peace.
The 2022 CAPPF Conference stemmed from the contrast between the 2030 agenda’s objective with reference to poverty and the reality with particular regard to the post-COVID-19 world. What can be done today, concretely, to build a more just society and to eradicate poverty?
The 2022 International Conference aimed to strengthen the CAPPF commitment to study and research on new models of economic and social development, inspired by Catholic social teaching.
The 2022 International Conference approached the following specific topics:
- The situation of different kind of poverty today dimension, evolution…
- Focus on new forms of poverty
- Concrete actions to pursue an inclusive economy,
- Solidarity, subsidiarity and sustainability in addressing poverty
- The role of Governments and Institutions to tackle poverty, the greater importance of preventive actions compared to only redistributive activities.
- Potential more specific topics, for example food markets and food value chain for inclusion and sustainability. The food sector constitutes about one fifth of the global economy and is the world’s largest source of income and employment. Yet hundreds of millions of people do not have food security. Poverty disproportionately affects rural populations, whose livelihoods depend largely on agrifood-related economic activity. Women comprise almost half of the agricultural workforce and many run small-scale farm and non-farm businesses. More than half of developing-country working youth are employed in the agrifood sector.
When: October 7-8, 2022
Where: Rome and the Vatican
Address of the Holy Father to Participants
2021 International Conference
Solidarity, Cooperation and Responsibility: The Antidotes to Fight Injustices, Inequalities and Exclusions
The 2021 International Conference will be held at the delicate post pandemic time and coincide with the 30th anniversary of Centesimus Annus, the end of the year Pope Francis is devoting to Laudato Sì and the new Encyclical All Brothers. From these Encyclicals and from Caritas Veritate, which together represent a fundamental part of the Magisterium, we can draw many fruitful teachings; they reflect the continuity of the Social Doctrine of the Church, capable of renewal while remaining faithful to its inspiring principles. This ability to renew itself while remaining faithful to its founding values is the compass by which we shall be able to work out how to address the devastating impact of Covid-19 and the many other pandemics that afflict our planet: poverty, injustice, inequality, wars.
When: October 21-23, 2021
Where: Rome and the Vatican
Address of the Holy Father to Participants
2020 Dublin Process
The Seventh Consultation focused on analysis of the role of education and training in fostering a new range of goals and models conducive to an acceptable and decent life for each and all of us through the affirmation of solidarity, justice and respect. This requires, as the Holy Father teaches us, a new way of thinking and therefore major investment in culture and knowledge to promote a form of training not limited to the educational cycle but embracing the entire working life.
When: January 30-31, 2020
Where: Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan
Keynote Address by Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, Chairman, Intesa SanPaolo
Keynote Slide by Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, Chairman, Intesa SanPaolo
Keynote Address by H.E. Msgr. Angelo Vincenzo Zani, Secretary, Congregation for Catholic Education
2019 International Conference
Laudato Si: Transformation of an Ideal into Reality: The Hard Route Towards Integral Ecology
The 2019 edition of the Centesimus Annus pro Pontifice Foundation convention held from 6th to 8th June 2019 in the Vatican City, focused on “The social doctrine of the church from its origins to the digital age: how to live Laudato Si'”. During the meeting which was divided into reports, round tables, projects presented by territorial groups and personal testimonies, the Foundation focused on the urgent need for a collective and global change of lifestyles and production – the “conversion” called for by the Encyclical Laudato Si’.
When: June 6-8, 2019
Where: Rome and the Vatican
Slides from Keynote Speaker: Prof. Enrico Giovannini Economist, Statistician, Tor Vergata University; Founder and Spokeperson, Italian Alliance for a Sustainable Development
Keynote Speaker: Msgr. Bruno M. Duffè, Secretary, Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development
2019 Dublin Process
The 6th Dublin Process consultation, which took place in London on January 31st and February 1st, 2019 at Fisher Hall Campus of University of Notre Dame (USA) in England – Suffolk Street 1-4 – and at the House of Lords, sought to address in more detail some of the ethical issues in finance, always related to a modern statement of the principles of Catholic Social Teaching applied to a sustainable market economy. The event has being organized jointly with the University of Notre Dame (USA) in England and co-sponsored by St Mary’s University, Twickenham; the Centre for Catholic Studies at Durham University; the School of Politics and International Relations of the University of Kent; and Campion Hall, Oxford. The meeting has been chaired by Lord Daniel Brennan KCSG, QC and Domingo Sugranyes Bickel, CAPP Foundation Chairman.
When: January 31st-Febaruary 1st, 2019
Where: Fisher Hall Campus, University of Notre Dame (USA) in England
Opening Speech by Right Rev. David Walker, Bishop of Manchester
Introductory Main Report: Dr. Mark Hayes, Durham University and Slides
2018 International Conference
New Policies and Life-styles in The Digital Age
The 25th anniversary of the Centesimus Annus pro Pontifice Foundation was intended to look for the “New Things” which ask for innovative ways of applying Catholic Social Teaching (CST). From a wide range of diverse issues covered, a few basic guidelines arise, which have to do with education, governance of technology, social dialogue and a full understanding of the human person.
When: May 24-26, 2018
Where: Rome and the Vatican
Speech of Keynote Speaker: Robert A. Nalewajek, Founder and Executive Vice-President, CAPP-USA
Slides from Keynote Speaker: Robert A. Nalewajek, Founder and Executive Vice-President, CAPP-USA
Address by His All Holiness Bartholomew, Patriarch of Constantinople
2017 International Conference
Constructive Alternatives in an Era of Global Turmoil
“Promotors of Catholic social teaching in the economic world”: in his introductory words and prayer, Cardinal Domenico Calcagno opened the conference by inviting the audience of 300 professionals, business executives, academics, public administrators and religious leaders from 25 countries to fully assume their commitment as supporters of the Centesimus Annus pro Pontifice (CAPP) Foundation, which was created in 1993 by St John Paul II. In his address during the Award ceremony of the third international prize for “Economy and Society” established by CAPP,1 Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State, thanked the Foundation for issuing the CAPP 2017 Statement which “proposes a multidimensional and non-ideological approach to the social sciences, as well as to political and economic praxis, so that they may genuinely be at the service of the common good. Thank you for the replies to the teachings and exhortations of the Holy Father contained in the declaration. These replies demonstrate the vitality of the thought of Christian entrepreneurship”.
When: May 18-20, 2017
Where: Rome and the Vatican
Speech of Keynote Speaker: Sister Helen Alford OP, Vice Dean Faculty of Social Sciences, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), on Catholic Social Teaching in a Digital Age
Slides from Keynote Speaker: Delia Gallagher, CNN Vatican Correspondent
2017 Dublin Process
The consultation took place in Madrid, this time jointly sponsored by the Foundation, the BBVA Group and the Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICAI-ICADE and focused on “Economic and Financial Ethics in the Digital Age”. The current digital revolution is changing life both socially and economically. Technological developments have positive and negative consequences that should be analysed in order to understand how individuals and organizations need to adapt. In the age of globalization where everything is interrelated, it is difficult for a crosscutting issue such as technology not to have ramifications in nearly all socio-economic areas. This conference focused on the influence that digital transformation is having and may have on the future of work and the financial sector.
When: January 25-27, 2017
Where: Casa América, Madrid
2016 International Conference
Business Initiative in the Fight Against Poverty
The 2016 CAPP annual international conference held at the Vatican addressed business in the fight against poverty, a theme previously developed in the Foundation’s 2015 Statement. Special attention was given to two subthemes: the European Refugee Emergency and the possibilities of new voluntary initiatives and alliances to serve the common good, on the lines traced by Pope Francis and following the consistent message of Catholic Social Thought. The conference was attended by 320 professionals and business executives, jointly with university professors, public administrators and religious leaders from 23 countries.
When: May 12-14, 2016
Where: Rome and the Vatican
2016 Dublin Process
“A Dialogue on Finance and the Common Good”: A year after issuing its “Proposals on Finance and the Common Good”1 , the Centesimus Annus pro Pontifice Foundation once again invited the Dublin Group on Finance and the Common Good, a group of bankers, banking supervisors, financial economists and specialists in financial ethics to a consultation meeting, this time hosted by the Governor of the Central Bank of Malta.
The crisis context is still more urgent and tragic in 2016 due to the European refugee influx which is not an isolated problem, but forms part of a broader set of social problems we face in a post-secular society. In this context, with long term views postponed by the urgency of immediate needs, Pope Francis has “an emotional connection with people around the world, whether Catholic or not”; he was described as “the most prominent figure addressing issues that have dominated global debates since the financial crisis began”2 . This gives added audience to Catholic Social Teaching and opens new possibilities of change, but the challenge remains: how are these calls to be implemented?
The Group was asked two sets of questions: Does financial reform entail real change? For whom? And how? and Internally-driven Ethical Reconstruction: is it happening? The third subject was an action-oriented idea: how to promote new Voluntary Solidarity Funds.
When: January 29-30, 2016
Where: Central Bank of Malta Headquarters, Malta
2015 International Conference
“Rethinking Key Features of Economic and Social Life”
This is the theme of the international conference held by the Centesimus Annus – Pro Pontifice Foundation in the New Synod Hall (Vatican City) and the Palazzo della Cancelleria (Rome). “This conference continues the work of the Foundation which endeavours to promote a series of clearly defined and wide-ranging topics. These indicate a tangible and feasible way forward concerning the reforms needed in the market economy, from the perspective of an economy that is at the service of human development”. The conference will be centred on three topics that relate to some key features of current social and economic changes: first – Can growth continue without compulsive consumption?; second – The future of employment and the informal economy); and third – An urgent message for today’s world: can Catholic Social Teaching be extended even without the Christian faith?
When: May 25-27, 2015
Where: Rome and the Vatican
2014 Dublin Process
“A Dialogue on Finance and the Common Good”: The participants gathered in Dublin – a city heavily transformed by the financial industry – for a Seminar on Finance and the Common Good, engaging in a dialogue between theological reflection and practice in order to foster social concern. Monsignor Martin clarified the focus of the Seminar as follows: how can we best place people, created in God’s image, at the centre of our vision of the economy and society. Poverty is not simply lack of material resources, but also the inability of people to realise their God-given potential.
When: October 24-25, 2014
Where: Dublin
2014 International Conference
“The Good Society and the Future of Jobs: Can Solidarity and Fraternity be Part of Business Decisions?”
Over the last three decades, an unprecedented integration of the global economy, together with an enormous expansion of monetary and financial instruments and markets, have produced a dramatic impact on income and wealth inequality, reshaping access to economic resources, endowments, and opportunities for people around the world. Overall, globalization has sustained the diffusion of economic development and a significant rise of average per capita income in many poor and medium-income countries. However, economic integration and growth contributed to generate new inequalities, tensions, and despair within and between countries, both rich and poor ones. Moreover, the outbreak of the economic and financial crisis that the World has gone through since 2007 has further increased interdependency, instability, and unevenness, including income inequality, in the global economy. The new economic and financial scenario calls for a new reflection based upon an analytical and morally inspired effort to understand its multiple determinants: institutional, economic, and ethical.
When: May 8-10, 2014
Where: Rome and the Vatican
Keynote Address by Dr. Lawrence Gonzi, Former Prime Minister of Malta
2013 Dublin Process
“Debt Crisis, FInancial Reform and Common Good”: The group of around 50 participants included Church leaders and moral theologians, academic economists, central bank leaders, as well as professional bankers and investors. They were invited to discuss possible answers to the following question: as the Christian Churches, and specially the Catholic Church led by Pope Francis, are making urgent appeals for a change in the way the world economy works, redesigning governance in a way which corrects inequalities and injustice, is it possible to build a bridge between these statements and the actual frameworks where policy makers and finance professionals have to decide in the extremely complex present process of international financial reform? There is no simple answer to such question, but there appears to be a disposition to discuss the ways of a different financial and economic order of priorities.
When: September 27-28, 2013
Where: Vatican City
Address by H.E. Angelo Cardinal Scola to the Fondazione Centesimus Annus – Pro Pontifice
2013 International Conference
“Rethinking Solidarity for Employment: The Challenges of the Twenty – First Century”
Centesimus Annus pro Pontifice celebrated its 20th anniversary this year. Speaking to members of the organization, Pope Francis called attention to the theme of the conference: “Rethinking solidarity for employment: the challenges of the 21st century.” In light of the current economic crisis and the rapid spread of unemployment, the Pope said “There is no worse form of material poverty… than that which makes it impossible to earn a living and which deprives someone of the dignity of work.” It is therefore not enough to help the poor, the Holy Father said, but we must reform the system at the global level in a way that is consistent with the fundamental human dignity. The root causes of the current crisis are not only economic and financial, but ethical and anthropological, where the “idols of power, of profit, of money,” are valued more than “the human person.” Pope Francis said “We must return to the centrality of man, to a more ethical view of business and human relations, without the fear of losing something.”
When: May 23-25, 2013
Where: Rome and the Vatican
Testimony of Dr. Andrea Gibellini
2011 International Conference
“Family, Business: overcoming the crisis with new forms of solidarity. Twenty years after ‘Centesimus Annus’.”
At the heart of the Holy Father’s speech to those gathered was the family. The Pope noted that this year is the 20th Anniversary of Pope St. John Paul II’s encyclical Centesimus Annus and the 30th anniversary of his Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio as well as 120 years after Pope Leo XIII’s historic work, Rerum Novarum. Pope Benedict XVI said “in these 120 years of development of the social doctrine of the Church in the world, great chanced have occurred”. But, he added, despite these advances the core of the internal social taeaching, which has always been to promote the human person and the family has not altered.
When: October 13-15, 2011
Where: Rome and the Vatican
2010 International Conference
“Development, Progress and Common Good”
In his address, Pope Benedict XVI said, “I was glad to see that the central focus of your meeting is reflection on the relationship between ‘development, progress, common good’. Indeed, today more than ever, the human family may develop as a free society of free peoples if globalization is guided by solidarity and by the common good, and also by a relative social justice, which find a precious source in the message of Christ and in the Church. In reality, the crisis and difficulties which are now afflicting international relations, the States, society and the economy, are largely due to the lack of trust and inadequate supportive and creative inspiration, as well as a lack of dynamism oriented to the common good, which lead to authentic human relationships of friendship, solidarity and reciprocity even ‘within’ economic activities. The common good is the goal that gives meaning to progress and to development, which would otherwise be limited solely to the production of material goods. These are necessary, but unless they are oriented to the common good, consumerism, waste, poverty and imbalances will ultimately prevail factors impeding progress and development.”
When: May 21-22, 2010
Where: Rome and the Vatican
2009 International Conference
“Values and Rules for a New Model of Development”
Pope Benedict XVI affirmed, “Indeed, the financial and economic crisis which has hit the industrialized, the emerging and the developing countries, shows clearly that certain economic and financial paradigms which prevailed in recent years must be rethought. Therefore, at the international congress which took place yesterday your Foundation did well to address the topic of the search for, and identification of, the values and rules which the economic world should abide by in order to evolve a new model of development that is more attentive to the requirements of solidarity and more respectful of human dignity.
I am pleased to learn that you examined in particular the interdependence between institutions, society and the market, in accordance with my venerable Predecessor John Paul II’s Encyclical, Centesimus Annus.”
When: June 12-13, 2009
Where: Rome and the Vatican
2008 International Conference
“Social Capital and Human Development”
Pope Benedict XVI addressed the conference saying, “This year, for your customary gathering, you have chosen the theme: ‘Social capital and human development’. You have paused to reflect on the need, felt by many, to promote a global development aimed at the integral promotion of man, also highlighting the contribution that volunteer associations can give, such as non-profit foundations and other types of community entities that have been founded with the goal of making the social fabric ever more solid. A harmonious development is possible if the economic and political choices take into account and put into practice those fundamental principles which make it accessible to all. I am referring, in particular, to the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity. It is always necessary that the person, created in the image of God and willed by him to keep and administer the immense resources of creation, be at the centre of every economic programme, especially considering the vast and complex network of relations which characterize the post-modern epoch. Only a shared culture of responsible and active participation can enable each human being to feel not as a consumer or a passive bystander, but an active collaborator in the process of world development.”
When: May 30-31, 2008
Where: Rome and the Vatican
2007 International Conference
“The Increasing Role of Emerging Countries in the Global Scenario: Economic, Social and Cultural Consequences”
Pope Benedict XVI welcomed the conference saying, “In the course of this year’s meeting you reflected on the fundamental commitment that characterizes the Centesimus Annus – Pro Pontifice Foundation: to deepen the most current aspects of the Church’s social doctrine with reference to the most pressing problems and challenges of today’s world.
Secondly, you have come to present to the Pope the fruit of your generosity, so that he may use it to respond to the many requests for help that reach him from every part of the world. And I assure you, they are truly many.
You have, in fact, analyzed the changes taking place in the ’emerging’ countries under the economic and social profile, with the resulting cultural and religious repercussions. In particular, you have focused your attention on the Asian nations, marked by a strong dynamic of economic growth which does not, however, always bring real social development, and on Africa, where economic growth and social development unfortunately meet many obstacles and challenges.”
When: May 18-19, 2007
Where: Rome and the Vatican
2006 International Conference
“Democracy, Institutions and Social Justice”
Pope Benedict XVI greeted the conference saying, “I am pleased to be able to meet you for the first time and I greet you all cordially. The Study Convention you have organized on Democracy, institutions and social justice is treating relevant current problems. People sometimes complain of the slowness with which an authentic democracy progresses, yet it continues, if used well, to be the most effective historical instrument for ensuring its own future in a way befitting to human beings. You have rightly identified two critical points on the way towards a more mature ordering of human coexistence.”
When: May 18-19, 2006
Where: Rome and the Vatican
2004 International Conference
“Confronting Globalization, Global Governance and the Politics of Development”
The integration between economies and the resulting development thrust is an aspect that is of central importance in the economic history of the second half of the 1900s. Trade and foreign investment on the one hand, technological progress and influences between cultures on the other, have made integration between countries increasingly accentuated. If it is true that in many respects this has led to greater prosperity and the emergence of unprecedented opportunities for many countries, it is also true that in the globalization process there are winners and losers and that the gap between rich countries in the North and poor people in the South (especially Africa) tend to widen rather than shrink.
Already in the celebration of the World Day of Peace on January 1, 1998, the Holy Father John Paul II in the Message “From everyone’s justice comes peace for all” warned that “The challenge, in short, is to ensure globalization in solidarity, globalization without marginalization “. The problem that arises is therefore to understand how globalization and solidarity can serve one another to generate a global dynamic that involves economic growth but also balanced and equitable development, and how globalization can be oriented towards international solidarity purposes from international and supranational institutions.
When: April 30-May 1, 2004
Where: Rome and the Vatican
2003 International Conference
“Today’s meeting is connected to the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Vatican Foundation, ‘Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice’, that provides a singular response to the invitation I offered in the Encyclical which has inspired this group, to promote and defend the knowledge and the practice of the Church’s social doctrine. I encourage you to continue in your undertaking, always keeping before you three great convictions:”
When: July, 2003
Where: Rome and the Vatican
2002 International Conference
“Special greetings to those who have come from the United States of America. In the last several months your beloved country has been very much in my thoughts and in my prayers. I also welcome those who have come from Canada. I thank all of you for your efforts in joining the foundation in the pursuit of its noble purposes.
Your activity is even more timely, since you intend to pay special attention to the family and to ensuring its indispensable role in society. A serene and active family becomes a wonderful place for building peace. It is important to pray and work, so that the family may be an active agent in a constructive peace process, from within and outside.”
When: February, 2002
Where: Rome and the Vatican
1999 International Conference
“The last time you met was just last February, but you felt the need to meet again with the approach of the Holy Year 2000, for the Jubilee is a great ecclesial event in which your Foundation is called to collaborate, in the context of the Jubilee of the World of Work, to prepare for those who work in the financial sector. As I thank you for this willingness, I am pleased that, precisely in view of this event, you have opportunely decided next year to study the theme: ‘Ethics and Finance’. I am aware of your intention to organize an international congress on this subject on the eve of the Jubilee day. I appreciate such an important initiative and hope that it will bear abundant fruits.
Financial activity, in accordance with its own characteristics, must be directed to serving the common good of the human family.”
When: September, 1999
Where: Rome and the Vatican
1998 International Conference
“Globalization and Solidarity”
“The theme of your meeting is globalization, which now concerns every aspect of economics and finance. The advantages that a well-regulated and balanced ‘globalized’ economy can bring to prosperity and to the development of culture, democracy, solidarity and peace are known to everyone. However, the harmonization of market demands with those of ethics and social justice must be constantly pursued. This ethical and juridical regulation of the market seems more difficult than ever, since the measures taken by individual States prove increasingly inadequate. It is therefore necessary to work for a culture of norms that not only concern the commercial aspects, but take responsibility for defending human rights all over the world. Indeed, to prevent the globalization of the economy from producing the harmful results of an uncontrolled expansion of private or group interests, it is necessary that the progressive globalization of the economy be increasingly met with a ‘global’ culture of solidarity attentive to the needs of the weakest.”
When: May, 1998
Where: Rome and the Vatican
1996 International Conference
Solidarity in Papal Teaching
“It is from here that your reflection today, as it is aimed at transposing the rich teaching of the Church on solidarity into the concrete of the daily life of people and their human and professional commitments, takes its motive and purpose.
I am very pleased with your choice: it highlights the value of the evangelical witness that the generous application of the principles of the Church’s social doctrine has (cf. Ibid., 54). Solidarity does not consist in some isolated gesture or in ‘a feeling of vague compassion or superficial tenderness for the evils of many people’ (Sollicitudo rei Socialis, 38), but is a virtue and, as such, manifests’ the firm and persevering determination to commit oneself for the good of each and every one, because we are all truly responsible for all’ (Ivi).”
When: November, 1996
Where: Rome and the Vatican
1995 International Conference
“This year you have chosen the doctrine of the Encyclical Evangelium Vitae in relation to the social and pastoral orientations of the Centesimus Annus as the theme to which to reflect. In reality, God’s love for man, from which the dignity of the person and respect for the life of every human being flows, is an integral part of the Gospel that the Church must tirelessly announce and witness to the world. In fact, it has as its commitment “the care and responsibility for man, entrusted to her by Christ himself, for this man who, as the Second Vatican Council recalls, is the only creature on earth that God willed for himself and for whom God has his plan, that is, participation in eternal salvation” (Centesimus Annus, 53).”
When: November, 1995
Where: Rome and the Vatican
1994 International Conference
As Cardinal Castillo Lara has already mentioned, the realization of social justice is one of the essential preconditions for building authentic and stable peace. Indeed, in the current context of “globalization of the economy”, to which the Encyclical Centesimus Annus also refers (cf. n. 58), it appears increasingly evident that there can be no peace, if with economic progress they are not combined also integral human development and social solidarity.”
When: September, 1994
Where: Rome and the Vatican
1993 International Conference
Pope St. John Paul II’s inaugural address to the foundation after founding it.
The Foundation desired by you, which will be supported by a Committee of adherents, is a significant expression of your commitment as lay faithful. The Second Vatican Council, in that main document which is the Constitution Lumen Gentium, teaches that “it is proper to lay people to seek the Kingdom of God by treating temporal things and ordering them according to God … It is therefore for them particularly to illuminate and order all temporal things, to which they are closely linked, so that they are always made according to Christ, and grow and be of praise to the Creator and Redeemer “(n. 31). The Constitution adds, “Not only on priests and religious, but also on all lay people,” the glorious burden of working is weighed down so that the divine plan of salvation may reach every day more and more all men of all times and of all the earth”. And he exhorts: “Therefore let them be open to any way that, according to their forms and needs of the times, they too actively participate in the salvific work of the Church” (Lumen Gentium, 33).
When: June, 1993
Where: Rome and the Vatican

CAPP-USA Conferences
2023 Renewing Digital Space - NYC
Pope Francis challenged the Church and the world to explore “both the pathologies our digital culture imposes – especially on our young – and investigate how this technology can and has helped people reach their full potential.”
This virtual conversation explored the anthropological, theological, sociological and legal constructs that are necessary to address these challenges posed by the digital age.
Prof. Evelyn Aswad
The University of Oklahoma College of Law’s Herman G. Kaiser Chair in International Law and Director, Center for International Business and Human Rights
Rev. Dorian Llywelyn, S.J.
President, Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies (IACS) at the University of Southern California
Brian Boyd, Ph.D.
University of Notre Dame
The event was hosted by CAPP-USA in partnership with America Media. This event was co-sponsored by the Center on Religion and Culture at Fordham University, the Bernardin Center at Catholic Theological Union, the Boisi Center for Religion & American Public Life at Boston College, the John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology and Values at the University of Notre Dame, the School of Theology & Religious Studies at the Catholic University of America, the Francis and Ann Curran Center for American Catholic Studies at Fordham University, the Lumen Christi Institute, the Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies (IACS) at the University of Southern California, and the Catholic Medical Association.
We invite you to read CAPP’s UK coordinator, Jean Pierre Casey’s comprehensive review of what the Catholic Church has to say on the digital phenomenon in his 2017 “Living in the Digital Age: A Christian Recipe for Authentic Human Development” available at the link. It has sold over 3,000 copies in the United Kingdom and been very well received by bishops and priests in the UK.
When: September 23, 2022
Where: Zoom Conference
2022 Recovering Common Goods - NYC
How can Catholic Social Teaching help build a common good based society? How do the principles of Catholic Social Teaching interact with the public sphere? And how can CST help individuals and communities to flourish?
A conversation with Patrick Riordan, S.J., Senior Fellow in Political Philosophy and Catholic Social Thought at Campion Hall, Oxford University, winner of the Fondazione Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice INTERNATIONAL “ECONOMY AND SOCIETY” AWARD, and the 2021 Book Prize for his 2017 work “Recovering Common Goods.” Father Riordan will be interviewed by Steven P. Millies, Ph.D., professor of public theology and director of the Bernardin Center at Catholic Theological Union.
Co-sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies at USC.
When: May 5, 2022 12:30-1:30 p.m. ET
Where: Zoom Conference
2021 Health of Nations Conference – NYC
CAPP, in partnership with Fordham University’s IPED, hosted: The Health of Nations: Pope Francis’ Call for Inclusion. This saw Bishop Frank Caggiano (Diocese of Bridgeport, Chair of Catholic Relief Services and Assistant National Ecclesiastical Counselor to CAPP-USA) set the stage in the light of Catholic social teaching and Pope Francis’ perspective. Professor Sir Angus Deaton (School of Public and International Affairs and the Economics Department at Princeton University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economics) then focused on the topic in light of his extensive, lifetime work on development. Following the talks a conversation between Bishop Caggiano and Professor Deaton, as well Q&A with the audience was moderated by Professor Joseph P. Kaboski (Professor of Economics at University of Notre Dame and President of CREDO).
The gathering saw a COVID restricted in person audience of 90 and, with the outstanding support of America Media and 12 sponsoring organizations, an online audience of 2,300+.
When: September 24, 2021
Where: Fordham University, Manhattan, New York City
Bishop Caggiano Reflects on Pope Francis’ Call for Inclusion
2018 Reduce Hunger Conference - NYC
The conference “Reduce Hunger: Pope Francis’ Call for New Approaches” answered Pope Francis’ call in his 2017 World Food Day address at the United Nations Food Agriculture Organization. CAPP-USA and Fordham University’s Graduate Program in International Political Economy and Development hosted world experts at a conference with the challenge to identify “concrete actions” to “reduce the number of those going hungry…to guarantee to all human beings the right to be nourished.”
When: September 28, 2018
Where: Fordham University, Manhattan, New York City
Intervention by H.E. Mgr. Paul Richard Gallagher, Secretary for Relations with States, Secretariat of State, Vatican City
2018 Dublin Process - NYC
“Ethics in International Business and Finance”: An ‘Ethical Compass’ is necessary to ensure that the economy works in the direction indicated by Pope Francis, that of the common good, a primary principle in Catholic social encyclicals. The aim of discerning solidarity aspects involved in business decisions is a basic theme of CST. In business circles, the same basic idea inspires many ongoing inquiries on inclusive entrepreneurial initiative and an inclusive economy. In the wake of current opportunities and concerns – from the ‘fourth technological revolution’ to growing inequalities, from the threat of jobless recoveries to the questioning of globalization – a fully innovative approach is required, not just to restore any ethical compass of the past, but to analyse our concepts of economic rationality and define specific ethical criteria which apply to present-day dilemmas. This is the first question submitted to the consultation.
The other complementary question is: who in fact is responsible? Who are the depositors of an Ethical Compass? Business leaders? Public opinion? Consumers? Is it basically a field for individual conviction, or one of general education and mindsets?
When: March 15-17, 2018
Where: Fordham University, Manhattan, New York City
Keynote Address by Most Rev. Bernardito Auza, Permanent Observer of the Holy See at the United Nations
2016 Escaping Poverty Conference - NYC
The conference “Pope Francis’ Call for Escaping Poverty: Practical Examples and New Proposals” has been held in New York City on September 23rd, thanks to the efforts of CAPP USA and in cooperation with Fordham University, the latter also hosting the event in its premises.
When: September 23, 2016
Where: Fordham University, Manhattan, New York City
Address of H.E. Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of Vatican State
2014 Poverty and Development Conference - NYC
The CAPP-Fordham Conference, Poverty and Development: a Catholic Perspective, brought together international authorities and professionals who highlighted poverty and development issues raised by His Holiness, Pope Francis, to address their implications and suggest specific responses and remedies.
When: September 26-27, 2014
Where: Fordham University, Manhattan, New York City
Address of H.E. Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of Vatican State
The “Obligation to Intervene”: General Roméo Dollaire Paper
Poverty and Development – Perspectives from Haiti: H.E. Cardinal Chibly Langlois Paper
The Suffering and Hope of a Terrorized Community: Jean-Clément Jeanbart Paper
Migration, Economic Development and Poverty: Fr. Richard Ryscavage, S.J. Paper
Poverty and Development: a Catholic Perspective: Robert A. Nalewajek Paper

CAPP-USA Special Events
2024 Pro Pontifice Dinner
On September 27, His Eminence Pietro Cardinal Parolin, Secretary of State of the Holy See, joined us in New York City and presented an insightful message on the Holy See’s concerns regarding artificial intelligence.
He followed this with a spontaneous, heartfelt call for prayer for world peace.
When: Friday, September 27, 2024
Where: New York City
Catholic Business Forum Mass & Brunch
Bishop Frank J. Caggiano addressed business leaders and aspiring business leaders representative of the diocesan community and Catholic Schools at the recent Catholic Business Forum Mass and Brunch held at Fairfield University.
Following the Mass, brunch was served in the Oak Room at Fairfield University, where attendees heard from guest speaker Robert A. Nalewajek, executive vice president of CAPP-USA and past director of FCAPP-Vatican.
When: Sunday, February 9, 2020
Where: Fairfield University, Fairfield, Connecticut
Slides from Keynote Speaker: Robert A. Nalewajek, Founder and Executive Vice President of CAPP-USA
Consultation on Human Trafficking
CAPP-USA and the Graduate Program in International Political Economy and Development (IPED) at Fordham University co-sponsored the inaugural lecture of the Cassamarca Foundation Chair in Migration and Globalization, titled: “The Holy See and the Fight Against Human Trafficking.”
The conference examined the realities of human trafficking today, what is being done, and what opportunities there are going forward.
When: Thursday, February 23, 2017
Where: Fordham University, New York City
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