What is CST? Articles

Social Justice Quotes

Social justice “upholds the fundamental human right to a dignified life”. (Pope Francis)

Freedom Quotes from the Catholic Church
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"When human beings set themselves against God, they...do not become free, but alienated from themselves."
Quotes about Truth from the Church
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"[O]nly the freedom which submits to the Truth leads the human person to his true good. The good of the person is to be in the Truth and to do the Truth."
Justice Quotes from the Church
All, Other, The Common Good, What is CST?
“Justice is the primary way of charity”. (Pope Benedict XVI, 60)
Top Pope John XXIII Quotes
All, Secularism, What is CST?
The top Pope St. John XXIII quotes from his great social encyclical, Mater et Magistra.
Catholic Social Thought and Reviving the Social Order
All, What is CST?
The answer is solidarity and subsidiarity, those two lynchpins of Catholic Social Thought.
What is Christian Humanism?
All, Human Dignity, What is CST?
Christian humanism is acknowledging our God-given dignity and our purpose to serve Him through our fellow man.
