The Family and Marriage Articles

Why is Family Important

Motherhood is necessary not only for the propagation of humanity, but because the “human family is built upon mothers.” (Pope Francis)

Why is Family Important
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Motherhood is necessary not only for the propagation of humanity, but because the "human family is built upon mothers." (Pope Francis)
Rediscovering the Power of Fatherhood
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Fathers represent "on earth the very fatherhood of God". (Pope St. John Paul II, 25)
The Importance of Motherhood
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Motherhood is necessary not only for the propagation of humanity, but because the "human family is built upon mothers." (Pope Francis)
The Sexual Revolution and Catholic Social Teaching
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Despite what the sexual revolution promised, the actual result proved it was an "egregious event...on a scale unprecedented in history." (Pope Benedict XVI)
What is a Wholesome Culture?
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Catholic social teaching makes a strong case that the culture in the United States is NOT wholesome.
What Does the Bible Say About Divorce?
All, Human Environment, The Family and Marriage
While Moses allowed divorce - due to hardness of our hearts (Matthew 19:8) that didn’t mean God was fine with it! "I hate divorce, says the Lord". (Malachi 2:16).
