The Common Good Articles

Tariffs and the Common Good

The Catholic Church does not address tariffs in detail. She recognizes both the benefits of free trade and the right of nations to regulate their economies.

Tariffs and the Common Good
All, Economics, The Common Good
The Catholic Church does not address tariffs in detail. She recognizes both the benefits of free trade and the right of nations to regulate their economies.
Gun Control and Self-Defense
All, Human Dignity, Subsidiarity, The Common Good
The Catholic Church does not have an official, comprehensive teaching on gun control, but she does on issues like human dignity, the common good and self-defense.
Democracy Quotes that Will Make You Think
All, Government and Politics, The Common Good
Democracy is “the most effective historical instrument for ensuring its own future in a way befitting to human beings.” (Pope Benedict XVI)
Social Justice Quotes
All, The Common Good, What is CST?
Social justice “upholds the fundamental human right to a dignified life”. (Pope Francis)
10 Reasons Culture is in Crisis
All, Culture, The Common Good
Genuine freedom is not simply the ability to do whatever you want; it is the ability to choose the good.
Pope Francis Quotes on War and Peace
All, The Common Good, War
“Peace is not a document which gets signed and then filed away. Peace is built day by day!”
