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What is a Wholesome Culture?

Catholic social teaching makes a strong case that the culture in the United States is NOT wholesome.

Top Pope John XXIII Quotes
All, Secularism, What is CST?
The top Pope St. John XXIII quotes from his great social encyclical, Mater et Magistra.
Helping the Poor
All, Preferential Option for the Poor
"We need to broaden our perspective…We need to grow in a solidarity which 'would allow all peoples to become the artisans of their destiny'" (Pope Francis, 190)
St. Joseph the Worker and the Dignity of Work
All, Dignity of Work
Each year in celebrating the feast of St. Joseph the Worker we remember: “We were created with a vocation to work.” (Pope Francis, 128)
Structural Poverty and Catholic Social Teaching
All, Preferential Option for the Poor
Who are the Working Poor?
All, Preferential Option for the Poor
Visit any impoverished town or inner city and it will be clear that material lack is not the key problem.
Capitalism vs. Socialism
All, Economics, Socialism
Socialism disposes of the right to private property and hands over the production of goods to the state.
