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Bible Quotes that Establish Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic social teaching is not a modern invention. It is rooted in Scripture, and these scripture quotes illustrate where the principles come from.

Who are the Working Poor?
All, Preferential Option for the Poor
Visit any impoverished town or inner city and it will be clear that material lack is not the key problem.
Capitalism vs. Socialism
All, Economics, Socialism
Socialism disposes of the right to private property and hands over the production of goods to the state.
What is Socialism?
All, Right to Private Property, Socialism
Socialism disposes of the right to private property and hands over the production of goods to the state.
What is Solidarity?
All, Solidarity
Solidarity is not “a feeling of vague compassion or shallow distress at the misfortunes of others.” (Pope St. John Paul II, 38)
Catholic Social Thought and Reviving the Social Order
All, What is CST?
The answer is solidarity and subsidiarity, those two lynchpins of Catholic Social Thought.
Catholic and Gay
Throughout those millennia the Christian response has remained the same.
