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Cultural Appropriation and Catholic Social Teaching

The difference between appreciating another culture and appropriating it is often defined by relationships of power where the dominant culture ‘tramples’ on the minority.

The Role of Laity According to Vatican II Pt. 2
All, Other, Understanding Encyclicals
The laity’s role is special! "In a word, ‘Christians must be to the world what the soul is to the body’." (Lumen Gentium, 38)
The Role of Laity According to Vatican II Pt. 1
All, Other, Understanding Encyclicals
The laity’s role is special! "In a word, ‘Christians must be to the world what the soul is to the body’." (Lumen Gentium, 38)
What is Reverse Racism?
All, Human Dignity
What Does the Bible Say About Divorce?
All, Human Environment, The Family and Marriage
While Moses allowed divorce - due to hardness of our hearts (Matthew 19:8) that didn’t mean God was fine with it! "I hate divorce, says the Lord". (Malachi 2:16).
The Great Resignation and the Rights of Workers
All, Dignity of Work, Economics
The interest of Catholic social teaching is not on the Great Resignation itself, but on the conditions of work, the expectations of employers and employees, and other issues of work.
What is Capitalism?
All, Consumerism, Economics
The Church's relationship with capitalism is complex.
