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Immigration and Mass Deportations

“Justice is the primary way of charity”. (Pope Benedict XVI, 60)

Cultural Appropriation and Catholic Social Teaching
All, Culture
The difference between appreciating another culture and appropriating it is often defined by relationships of power where the dominant culture ‘tramples’ on the minority.
What is a Wholesome Culture?
All, Culture, The Family and Marriage
Catholic social teaching makes a strong case that the culture in the United States is NOT wholesome.
Democracy Quotes that Will Make You Think
All, Government and Politics, The Common Good
Democracy is “the most effective historical instrument for ensuring its own future in a way befitting to human beings.” (Pope Benedict XVI)
God Quotes from Catholic Social Teaching
All, Secularism, Understanding Encyclicals, What is CST?
Every aspect of Catholic social teaching, from its guidance on cultural, political, and economic structures to its answers to pressing social issues has as its beating heart, God Himself.
Social Justice Quotes
All, The Common Good, What is CST?
Social justice “upholds the fundamental human right to a dignified life”. (Pope Francis)
Jesus teaches the Sermon on the Mount
Bible Quotes that Establish Catholic Social Teaching
All, Human Dignity, Solidarity, Subsidiarity, What is CST?
Catholic social teaching is not a modern invention. It is rooted in Scripture, and these scripture quotes illustrate where the principles come from.
