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Tariffs and the Common Good

The Catholic Church does not address tariffs in detail. She recognizes both the benefits of free trade and the right of nations to regulate their economies.

All, Human Dignity
Advocates of euthanasia use terms like “freedom”, “compassion”, “choice”, “death with dignity”, and “the right to die” to mask the act with “a veil of human compassion”. (Pope Benedict XVI)
We are Made in the Image of God
All, Human Dignity
Being made in the image of God means we share qualities with God! It implies we have a moral conscience, the capacity for understanding good and evil, the ability to love, reason, create, and choose freely.
Rediscovering the Power of Fatherhood
All, The Family and Marriage
Fathers represent "on earth the very fatherhood of God". (Pope St. John Paul II, 25)
The Importance of Motherhood
All, The Family and Marriage
Motherhood is necessary not only for the propagation of humanity, but because the "human family is built upon mothers." (Pope Francis)
The Sexual Revolution and Catholic Social Teaching
All, Culture, LGBT, The Family and Marriage
Despite what the sexual revolution promised, the actual result proved it was an "egregious event...on a scale unprecedented in history." (Pope Benedict XVI)
The Dangers of a Consumer Culture
All, Consumerism, Culture
Consumerism is deadly to a culture. It leads us to "shut out others" (Pope St. Paul VI) and "is a virus that tarnishes faith at its root". (Pope Francis)
