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The Dangers of a Consumer Culture

Consumerism is deadly to a culture. It leads us to “shut out others” (Pope St. Paul VI) and “is a virus that tarnishes faith at its root”. (Pope Francis)

Top Nature Quotes from the Church
All, Climate Change, Integral Ecology, Physical Environment
Pope Francis has made the environment, natural and human, a hallmark of his papacy. And he is not the first pope to stress good stewardship of our ‘common home’.
How to be a Real Social Justice Warrior?
All, Culture, What is CST?
Social justice is what results when “associations or individuals…obtain what is their due, according to their nature and their vocation.”
A young family playing by the river representing integral ecology.
The Government Must Defend a Culture of Family
All, Government and Politics, The Family and Marriage
The Church teaches that a government must protect the family. But the Church is also very clear on the State's limits.
Top Magisterial Quotes about Family
All, Culture, The Family and Marriage
Here is a list of family quotes, both long and short, from the Magisterium of the Church that never fail to inspire and encourage us.
Is Family Life Today Under Attack?
All, Culture, The Family and Marriage
The family “exists prior to the State or any other community, and possesses inherent rights which are inalienable”. (Preamble, D., Charter of the Rights of the Family)
Types of Families and New Definitions
All, Culture, The Family and Marriage
The Synod on Family, called by Pope Francis, reported the "the family, the basic human community, is painfully being weakened". (Synod Report to Pope Francis, 10)
