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The Importance of Motherhood

Motherhood is necessary not only for the propagation of humanity, but because the “human family is built upon mothers.” (Pope Francis)

Pornography Assaults Human Dignity
Alienation, All, Human Dignity
"Pornography is immoral and ultimately anti–social precisely because it is opposed to the truth about the human person". - Pope St. John Paul II
A man alone at night representing alienation, workaholics, and despair.
Pornography, Addiction, and the Common Good
All, The Common Good, The Family and Marriage
Perhaps the most potentially debilitating addiction is to pornography because it "represents a serious threat to society as a whole." (Pope St. John Paul II, 2)
What is Christian Humanism?
All, Human Dignity, What is CST?
Christian humanism is acknowledging our God-given dignity and our purpose to serve Him through our fellow man.
An Old Fashioned Christmas
All, The Family and Marriage
The Church makes clear: Christmas celebrates the incarnation of Emmanuel - God with us. And it is no accident that God chose to reveal Himself in and through the family.
The Church and Conservation
All, Integral Ecology, Physical Environment
From its beginning the Church has taught God's creation is good and worthy of protection.
Catholic social teaching being symbolized by people gathering in a marketplace at evening.
The Poorest Country in the World
All, Preferential Option for the Poor, Secularism
By material and economic standards the ten poorest countries are in Africa. Conversely, the ten richest countries are mostly in Europe. But this isn't the whole story.
