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Bible Quotes that Establish Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic social teaching is not a modern invention. It is rooted in Scripture, and these scripture quotes illustrate where the principles come from.

What is Ecology?
All, Human Environment, Integral Ecology, Physical Environment
When the Church speaks of ecology, she is referencing the relationship between us and our physical environment and our human environment.
Social Justice Issues and CST
All, Culture, What is CST?
Social justice is what results when “associations or individuals…obtain what is their due, according to their nature and their vocation.”
Pope Francis on the Environment
All, Climate Change, Human Environment, Integral Ecology, Physical Environment
Pope Francis has made the environment, natural and human, a hallmark of his papacy.
A young family playing by the river representing integral ecology.
The Top Environment Quotes from the Church
All, Human Environment, Integral Ecology, Physical Environment
The Holy Fathers have consistently insisted that if we do not respect our human environment we will not respect the natural environment.
Top Nature Quotes from the Church
All, Climate Change, Integral Ecology, Physical Environment
Pope Francis has made the environment, natural and human, a hallmark of his papacy. And he is not the first pope to stress good stewardship of our ‘common home’.
How to be a Real Social Justice Warrior?
All, Culture, What is CST?
Social justice is what results when “associations or individuals…obtain what is their due, according to their nature and their vocation.”
