Human Dignity Articles

Is Feminism Good or Bad?

“The challenge facing most societies is that of upholding, indeed strengthening, woman’s role in the family while at the same time making it possible for her to use all her talents and exercise all her rights in building up society.” (Pope St. John Paul II)

Is Feminism Good or Bad?
All, Culture, Human Dignity
"The challenge facing most societies is that of upholding, indeed strengthening, woman’s role in the family while at the same time making it possible for her to use all her talents and exercise all her rights in building up society." (Pope St. John Paul II)
Immigration and Mass Deportations
All, Human Dignity, Immigration
“Justice is the primary way of charity”. (Pope Benedict XVI, 60)
Gun Control and Self-Defense
All, Human Dignity, Subsidiarity, The Common Good
The Catholic Church does not have an official, comprehensive teaching on gun control, but she does on issues like human dignity, the common good and self-defense.
All, Human Dignity
Advocates of euthanasia use terms like “freedom”, “compassion”, “choice”, “death with dignity”, and “the right to die” to mask the act with “a veil of human compassion”. (Pope Benedict XVI)
We are Made in the Image of God
All, Human Dignity
Being made in the image of God means we share qualities with God! It implies we have a moral conscience, the capacity for understanding good and evil, the ability to love, reason, create, and choose freely.
Jesus teaches the Sermon on the Mount
Bible Quotes that Establish Catholic Social Teaching
All, Human Dignity, Solidarity, Subsidiarity, What is CST?
Catholic social teaching is not a modern invention. It is rooted in Scripture, and these scripture quotes illustrate where the principles come from.
