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Antiqua et Nova: A gift on Artificial Intelligence

A key insight, previously advanced by Pope Francis, is that the term “Artificial Intelligence” can be misleading. True human intelligence—a divine gift—is not merely functional.

Antiqua et Nova: A gift on Artificial Intelligence
All, Artificial Intelligence
A key insight, previously advanced by Pope Francis, is that the term “Artificial Intelligence” can be misleading. True human intelligence—a divine gift—is not merely functional.
Tariffs and the Common Good
All, Economics, The Common Good
The Catholic Church does not address tariffs in detail. She recognizes both the benefits of free trade and the right of nations to regulate their economies.
Immigration and Mass Deportations
All, Human Dignity, Immigration
“Justice is the primary way of charity”. (Pope Benedict XVI, 60)
Subsidiarity is important because it encourages individual initiative and freedom.
A Short Course on Subsidiarity
All, Subsidiarity
This principle of subsidiarity is crucial to fully understanding Catholic social teaching and, while we may have heard the term “subsidiarity” before, we really need to understand what it means.
Why is Family Important
All, The Family and Marriage
Motherhood is necessary not only for the propagation of humanity, but because the "human family is built upon mothers." (Pope Francis)
Gun Control and Self-Defense
All, Human Dignity, Subsidiarity, The Common Good
The Catholic Church does not have an official, comprehensive teaching on gun control, but she does on issues like human dignity, the common good and self-defense.
