Join our Newsletter What is Socialism? by CAPP-USA Socialism is often in the news; with debates routinely appearing on cable news and social media. And while some leaders are concerned about it others make the case for it. What is Classic Socialism?...
Join our Newsletter What is Solidarity? by CAPP-USA Solidarity is a commitment to the common good and genuine gift of self to others. Defining Solidarity Solidarity “is a firm and persevering determination to commit oneself to the common good”. It...
Join our Newsletter Catholic Social Thought and Reviving the Social Order by Jean Pierre Casey Catholic Social Thought in the UK Your Excellency, my Lords, Ladies, distinguished guests: Catholic social thought is necessary to create a just...
Join our Newsletter Catholic and Gay What Can I Do? by CAPP-USA “I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life”. (Deuteronomy 30:19) Being Catholic and Gay That seems an easy choice, right? If we have...
Join our Newsletter Speak the Truth in Love What Can I “Do” About Homosexuality? by CAPP-USA To speak the truth in love about homosexuality is not easy. However, the task is made easier by Church teaching which is clear on homosexual...